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Microgreens Pea Shoots (ea)

Microgreens Pea Shoots (ea)

Regular price $8 Regular price Sale price $8 Sale Sold out

Pea shoots, also known as pea tendrils or pea greens, are the young leaves, stems, and tendrils of pea plants. They are a leafy vegetable that can be eaten raw in salads or cooked in stir-fries and soups. One cup of pea shoots provides about 35% the daily value of vitamin C and 15% the DV of vitamin A.

Our Pea Shoots are sold in 2 ounce clamshells.

Note: If you place an order from Thursday to Wednesday, please note that your item will be ready for pick-up or delivery on the SATURDAY FOLLOWING the Wednesday (the following week), at your chosen pick-up market or delivery address.

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